Berks Fly Tyers is a club devoted to the art of fly tying. We are
      not affiliated with any commercial entity. We meet on the first
      and third Thursday of each month with small variance dependent on
      holidays. Meetings are to start at 7:00 PM and are over by 9:00 PM.
      Most meetings are held at the Berks Agricultural Center on
      County Welfare Road. (See the Schedule for specific dates and locations.)
      A slightly abridged version of our constitution states our purposes
      to be:
            1) To promote the art, science and fun of fly-tying.
            2) To promote interest and fellowship in flyfishing.
            3) To support sound conservation policies.
            4) To disseminate information on fly tying and fly fishing.
            5) To strive for favorable legislative issues.
            6) To obtain publicity favorable to fly tying and fly fishing.
      The business meeting portion of the evening is generally of less
      then 15 minutes duration and is followed by tying demonstration or
      other scheduled event. For tying demos, material is supplied by the 
      club and we solicit contributions to cover the cost of these
      Once a year, if there are sufficient numbers of interested people,
      the club conducts a beginners' class. The classes run concurrently
      with the regular meetings and usually are of five meetings duration.
      In some years there are additional meetings scheduled.
      Dues are payable on a calendar year basis. Members joining in or
      after July pay dues at half the normal rate, excepting those that
      want to take the tying classes who will be assessed full rate.
      The club has an extensive tape and DVD library related to flytying that
      members may borrow. Also there are flytying tools and equipment
      that may be borrowed if you are unsure if you wish to pursue
      this interesting hobby.
      Throughout the year we have special events: fishing trips,
      streamside meetings, fly swaps and guest speakers/demonstrators.
      (See the Schedule for specific dates and locations.)                                                                   
      Drop by and see how we conduct our meetings and sit down and
      tie some flys. If you enjoy it join, you've nothing to lose.